Basao Tea Cup

In the fast-moving world, our lives are filled with tasks, obligations, and distractions.
Together with BASAO, we hope to instead cultivate calmness and presence of mind. We start with authentic tea, poured into a thoughtful cup, helping to revive the body, and sharpen the thoughts to let you perceive the world with a clear mind and open heart.

Enhancing the calming sounds of tea being prepared, poured, and enjoyed, this cup invites quiet contemplation surrounding the traditional tea ceremony. We believe that sensing the purity of tea and its close relationship to nature is best portrayed using natural materials, why we have strived to create a design playing on pure colors and stimulating textures, carefully considering the sense of touch – all serving to enhance the connection between tea and nature.

Merging tradition and contemporaneity, the design of the cup encapsulates the entire encounter and experience of BASAO tea – honoring quality of life in the simple things. Pure and meaningful.